Conceptualizing a Framework for STEM PBL


Conceptualizing a Framework for STEM PBL

Knowles Senior Fellows Monica Sircar, Sheila Orr, Carlee Madis, and Sarah DiMaria collaborated on a paper published in the Educational Sciences Journal, introducing a framework to support project-based learning (PBL) in STEM classrooms. While PBL is recognized as an effective approach for delivering authentic, discipline-rich STEM curricula, much of the existing research has focused on researcher-developed rather than teacher-created curricula.

Drawing on the theory of curriculum enactment, the authors analyzed curricular artifacts from their experiences as secondary STEM teachers who designed and implemented PBL. Based on this analysis, they propose a framework grounded in disciplinary standards to help teachers develop robust STEM projects. This framework emphasizes three key components: the Elements of PBL, Content Storyline, and Practice Pathway.

Read the paper in the Educational Sciences Journal here.