In fall 2013, Robert E. Lee High School Teacher and 2010 KSTF Teaching Fellow Rachel Clausen was awarded one of 75 Good Neighbor Student Achievement Grants, sponsored by State Farm in partnership with Youth Service America (YSA). As part of YSA’s Semester of Service program, the competitive grant is being used to support an extended service and learning framework that allows Rachel’s students to address real-world problems in their community through connecting service activities. From March 10–12, 2014, Rachel and 13 of her IB environmental systems and societies students visited a residential education center on Port Isobel, a 250-acre island east of Tangier Island. While at Port Isobel, the students participated in various field investigations designed to foster stewardship for the Chesapeake Bay. This experience will culminate with the students sharing their learnings with local elementary and middle school students at the school’s Community Science Day, which will take place on May 31, 2014. Read more about this adventure in an article written by Janelle Germanos of the Springfield Connection.

Environmental science students enjoy Port Isobel
