The key value that I hope to impart upon my students is resiliency. If students can leave my classroom learning the importance of persevering through not only a tough class or homework problem, but through the challenges that await us in life, then I know I have done my job. By establishing the skill of resiliency, students work towards a relentless pursuit of achievement and betterment of their lives.”  

Cristian’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Physics

“I’ve always loved numbers so naturally the mathematics behind physics appealed to me. After taking my first physics class in high school, I grew an immense passion for the metacognition and critical thinking skills that studying physics teaches. I carry those skills with me in all that I do now, both academically and socially, learning to see things from multiple vantage points and find the path of optimal achievement.”

Professional Experience

As an intern at Droplet Measurement Technologies, Cristian was actively involved in the construction and analysis of a meta-database on mold spore concentrations in water mitigated homes. Through the creation of data figures that depicted the unpredictable behavior of such environments, he aided in developing a successful business case that led to more than 50 InstaScope instruments being contracted to ServiceMaster, a mitigation company.

Cristian began teaching at his alma mater in January 2017.

Volunteer Experience

Cristian constructs homes and organizes community events with Habitat for Humanity.


Cristian enjoys lifting weights.

Academic Background

  • North Central College (Bachelor of Science in Physics and Secondary Education)